Tag: x86

Microsoft releases Windows 7 RC Build 7100…formally

Saw the 32 and 64bit versions available today. I can confirm that these are indeed the exact same build that leaked earlier. Get your product keys and download your ISO’s here: Windows 7 32 Bit Windows 7 64 Bit

Windows 7 RC1 Build 7100.0.090421-1700 Leaks! Verification Info here.

Filename: 7100.0.090421-1700_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD.iso Filesize: 2.35GB (2530975744 bytes) CRC: E8A1C394 MD5: 8867C13330F56A93944BCD46DCD73590 SHA1: 7D1F486CA569EFFFFB719CFB48355BB7BF499712 Filename: 7100.0.090421-1700_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso Filesize: 3.04GB (3270828032 bytes) CRC: 58FB2BE0 MD5: 98341AF35655137966E382C4FEAA282D SHA1: FC867FE1AB2E0A9796F9E4D155B44EA6998F4874

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