Minecraft 1.13 .mcfunction Essentials Script

Minecraft 1.13 .mcfunction Essentials v0.0.2-r14

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Written by Nigel Todman (www.NigelTodman.com)

Development Server: MC.NIGELTODMAN.COM

Minecraft 1.13 .mcfunction Essentials v0.0.2-r14

Written by Nigel Todman (www.NigelTodman.com)

Development Server: MC.NIGELTODMAN.COM


Line 6 of triggers.mcfunction, Specify your world spawn coords after the line
World Specific Coords Start

Lines 17/18 of setup.mcfunction
Set to 0 to disable the following options
scoreboard players set @a basicincomeamt 1200
scoreboard players set @a freeshulkerbox 1
scoreboard players set @a usebasicincome 1


Copy the contents of /datapacks/ into your own /datapacks/ folder

/reload or restart your server.

Run /function v0923:setup

That’s it.


Players can obtain a Warp Book with /trigger getwarpbook

Players can obtain a Shop Book with /trigger getshopbook

Players can enable All Player Balances with /trigger sidebar

Disable with /trigger sidebar set 2


v0.0.2-r14 6/3/2018 9:08:51 AM

Added Nether Quartz Ore AP/Money reward
Updated Melon harvesting per latest block changes
Added Elytra, Shulker Boxes and Tridents to the Shop
Added Many new Warps (World specific)
Added Page 2 to Warp Book
Added TDF /trigger to allow players to stop rain.

v0.0.2-r13 XX/XX/2018 8:07:46PM


v0.0.2-r12 2/16/2018 7:32:21AM

Updated entity selector syntax per latest snapshot
CustomName NBT tag now using JSON
Warp/Shop Book now given during setup.

Development Server mc.nigeltodman.com using new seed. Testing new World

v0.0.2-r11 1/19/2018 4:24:02PM

Sidebar display now defaults to off
Added rewards (AP/$) for mining emerald ore

v0.0.2-r10 12/15/2017 8:33:49AM

Added rewards (AP/$) for harvesting planting red/brown mushrooms
Added rewards (AP/$) for harvesting pumpkins
Added Compass and Bed to shop
Made setup.mcfunction less verbose.
setup.mcfunction now displays trigger instructions instead.

v0.0.1-r09 12/14/2017 8:08:10PM

Fixed initial setup logic for new players
Sets scoreboard objective ‘one’ to 1 every tick.
Compares setupinit to one. If setupinit not at least one. setup
All values are 0 for new players. until 1 tick and one is set.

v0.0.1-r08 12/14/2017 8:51:30AM

Rank and AP system working.
Regular XP/Level is depleted via various game mechanisms…
But your Rank will never decrease 🙂
AP is awarded for various tasks. Killing, Planting, Mining, etc
AP for Rank 2 is 300. Doubles every Rank.
Added rankup.mcfunction
Added Rank, AP and AP req to Rank Up to action bar
Tab List now displays Rank
Added placeholders to Shop. Added Shop Page 2

v0.0.1-r07 12/14/2017 4:00:50AM

Cleaned up gameloop.mcfunction
Added triggers.mcfunction
Added resettriggers.mcfunction
Swapped filenames setup and setup2.
Removed sidebar completely in favor of ‘actionbar’
Action Bar now displays elevation (y coord) and character balance.
Players can toggle sidebar with /trigger sidebar set 2 (2=off, 1=on)
Added XP Bottle to shop $100
Added Enchanting Table to shop $2000

v0.0.1-r06 12/13/2017 9:07:01PM

Added rewards for farming/harvesting
Added farmcount.mcfunction
Added harvestcount.mcfunction
Added orecount.mcfunction
Moved TotalKills display to Tab List
Moved Money display to Side Bar
Added Village Warp #1
Added Redstone to Shop
Added Reward for Lapis Mining
Updated Warp Book
Updated Shop Book
Conditional Bug: If you travel too far away from your ‘home’ – The marker (entity) is no longer returned by target selectors. Preventing TP.

v0.0.1-r05 12/13/2017 7:10:46AM

Improved home teleport logic

v0.0.1-r04 12/13/2017 12:20:34AM

Added home and sethome functions/triggers!
Tested working with non-ops + multiple players
Use /trigger sethome and /trigger home
Home warp added to warpbook. sethome only by typed trigger
Added script revision to shop/warp book name.

v0.0.1-r03 12/12/2017 4:32:08AM

Rewrote the shop
Script now actually works for non-opped players too!
Added getshopbook and getwarpbook triggers.
Script is now tested with a non-op player.

v0.0.1-r02 12/12/2017 1:54:05AM

Moved setup.mcfunction into setup2.mcfunction
Server now runs setup.mcfunction for every player. setup2 is skipped if
setup already ran. Otherwise call setup2
Enabled some config values.
Timed events coming soon.
v0.0.1-r01 12/11/2017 11:12:51PM

Added shopbook
Players obtain with /function v0923:shopbook
Added gold to the shop
Money now rewarded for planting trees.
Added treecount function
Removed extra woodcount function call

v0.0.1-r00 12/11/2017 8:52:11PM

First release, Published to GitHub
Infinite Game Loop, Attached to TickCount
Basic Economy
Money rewarded from killing mobs, mining ores, chopping trees, breaking stones
Basic Shop, Uses /trigger buy 1-10 to buy preset items.
(1 bread, 2 torch, 3 coal, 4 iron. So far.)
Warps to Spawn and RandomTP
Teleport Book with clickable links for both.
Player HP on Tab List
Sidebar display with Kill Count and Player Balance

Discuss on Minecraft Forums (GitHub)

Minecraft 1.13 Function Loop skeleton


  1. Simply drop veritas0923 into your ‘datapacks’ folder
  2. Run /function v0923:setup


  • gameloop function
  • looping with game ticks
  • ticks counted to 100 then reset.
  • stores player coords
  • displays tickcount on sidebar
  • To use a skeleton for your own project. Simply rename v0923 in ticks.json and rename the v0923 to your own namespace.

    Written for/tested on Snapshot 17w49b


    This infographic about Papa Johns is going viral

    Originally published at

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    about Papa Johns founder is going viral. Shared by the Facebook Page ‘’, As of writing it currently has over 110,000 Shares and 58,000 ‘Likes’ or other emoticon related reactions.

    I’ve gathered some of the responses to demonstrate the general tone of the replies as well as picked a few favorites.

    Many cite their deplorable business practices and treatment of their employees as reasons for their boycott of the Papa Johns franchise.

    For others, they cite his support of the Celebrity White Supremacist President Trump.

    Some of those that had the unfortunate experience of eating Papa Johns chimed in.

    Even some former Papa Johns employees found time to reply

    Out of all the responses I saw. This was my favorite

    Meanwhile the Papa Johns Stock Price (Symbol: PZZA) has fallen off a cliff. Just barely above its annual low ($59.36) at $61 currently.

    is an , , Social Activist, Web Developer and Computer Programmer from Ontario, Canada. and/or E-mail: veritas [at] vts-tech [dot] org [] This article can be republished under a , With a link back to this article and attribution to

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