Bill C-51 Supporters taking notes from Nazi Propagandists…

With C-51 stream rolling over the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and about to smash thru the United Declaration of Human Rights like Kool-Aid man, I took to Facebook to see how Canadians are taking it.

Where have I heard that before … Oh right.

“You have nothing to fear, If you have nothing to hide” Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda 1933-1945 under Adolf Hitler

“An original source for the quote comes from a premise presented in the book written by Franz Kafka’s, The Trial. It was turned into a play many times since and in one of those play, unknown as to which one, the phrase was stated as “you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide” being a statement made by the prosecutor.

It is believed that Joseph Goebbels picked up the phrase from that play and used it skillfully numerous times in many of his local speeches. I have researched it and found that he made several such speeches and one of them occurred in the beginning of the Nazi propaganda efforts to root out the Jews within Germany, “admit you are Jewish and we will take care of you” was another such quote used in the propaganda.”

I’ve got a lot more to say on this. When I do publish an article on it, You’ll be able to find it here as well.

In the meantime, Help Kill Bill C-51 here

My Education & Awards

MIT 6.00.1x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

LinuxFoundationX LFS101x: Introduction to Linux

Ashworth University: PC Repair & Service

Ashworth University: Computer Programming for Windows (Visual Basic)

(Nominated to the Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Society)

3rd National Day of Action to Stop Bill C-51 (#StopC51)

Originally published by the NAAIJ on May 26th 2015 under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution International License

(Image: Facebook)

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Canadians are speaking out as loudly as possible against Bill C-51 with yet another National Day of Action to #StopC51. The main focus of the protest is to highlight some very simple demands and gather/march in Ottawa. It is surprising we need to demand our Government do something as basic as affirm and uphold the Charter, And yet here we are. Those very simple demands are as follows:

A GoFundMe has been setup to assist with transportation costs from surrounding areas. At the time of writing it has reached $1,718 of its $2,000 goal. Donated funds will be used for: “Printing costs for posters and flyers, Equipment and art supplies for demonstrations, Secure travel”

An excerpt from the widely circulated Call to Action is as follows:

Enough is enough! Bill C-51 is part of a long string of initiatives to expand the government’s security powers and signals a dramatic new direction for Canadian security. Presented as anti-terror legislation, Bill C-51 creates excessive over reaching powers for security agencies, that will harm online innovation, political discourse, and our civil liberties.

The Conservative Government is rushing this bill through parliament without responsible parliamentary process. The actions of the government are degrading our democracy and our international reputation.

This bill disproportionately targets indigenous communities, environmental activists, dissidents, and Muslims, many of whom are already subjected to questionable and overreaching powers by security officials. Bill C-51 will make it easier and ostensibly lawful for government to continue infringing upon the rights of peaceful people.

“Bill C-51… is a dangerous piece of legislation in terms of its potential impacts on the rule of law, on constitutionally and internationally protected rights, and on the health of Canada’s democracy”
-106 Law professors from across Canada in and Open
Letter to the Government criticizing Bill C-51

Any government that would propose legislation that is unconstitutional and undemocratic does not have the moral authority to maintain power in a true democracy. Generations before us have defended the rights and freedoms that are now in jeopardy.

In response people from the four directions will march in solidarity on Parliament Hill on May 30th to #RejectFear and call on Members of Parliament to;

-Withdraw / Repeal Bill C-51
-Affirm and Uphold the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
-Honour the Treaties with First Nations and the Rights of Indigenous People
-Honour First Nations Right to be Consulted (Section 35)
-Stop racist legislation and fear mongering

Our security lives in our solidarity, standing together for our rights and civil liberties, not in legislation that creates secret police and secret courts. Bill C-51 does nothing to protect Canadians, it actually will make us less safe.

“The powers of CSIS have always depended on how a ‘threat to the security of Canada’ is defined, and section 2 of the CSIS Act already has an extremely broad definition. This has been interpreted to include environmental activists, indigenous groups, and other social or political activists. Concerns are heightened with the proposal to grant CSIS a ‘disruptive’ kinetic role.”
-Canadian Bar Association

#RejectFear and let’s stand together for the well-being of all the people on this land.

Here is a list of protest locations

Barrie Facebook Event Page
Calgary Facebook Event Page
Courtenay Facebook Event Page
Edmonton Facebook Event Page
Halifax Facebook Event Page
Kitchener-Waterloo (May 28th) Facebook Event Page
London Facebook Event Page
Montreal Facebook Event Page
Ottawa Facebook Event Page
Regina Facebook Event Page
Sudbury Facebook Event Page
Toronto Facebook Event Page
Vancouver Facebook Event Page
Victoria Facebook Event Page
Winnipeg Facebook Event Page

Some promotional videos as well as some flyers

Nigel Todman is an Independent Journalist, Technical Consultant, Social Activist, Web Developer and Computer Programmer from Ontario, Canada. Nigel is also the Assistant Webmaster for the NAAIJ. Add him to Facebook and/or Follow him on Twitter E-mail: nigel [at] naaij [dot] org [PGP] This article can be republished under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, With a link back to this article and attribution to Nigel Todman and the NAAIJ

Hosting Update.

I have recently switched hosting providers. Users of a certain popular antivirus solution were erroneously blocked from this site. Users of that very same antivirus solution should notice this site loads just fine and is, in fact, virus free. Always has been. Always will be. It’s one of my many quirks.

On a related note, If your website has a virus, I can fix that for you.

It’s a shame us white hat professionals cant just get along and not block each others sites…

When I contacted the antivirus vendor they stated that the block wasnt due to any content on my website or even to my domain at all., at the time, happened to reside on the same server as thousands of other websites. Much like it does again now, just on a different server. The ‘issue’ was a domain completely unrelated to my own, happens to use the same server/company that I used for my hosting, was at one time sending spam. As a result of this the antivirus vendor took it upon itself to block not just the offending website .. but every client on every server owned by that entire company and its resellers! I would figure at least a quarter of a million websites are blocked erroneously from the practices employed by this vendor, and thats just a very rough estimate.

I’ve since parted ways with the former hosting provider and this new provider thus far does not seem to suffer from the false positive fiasco. I think I will follow up with the former hosting provider and the antivirus vendor. Will be interesting to see If I can get some figures on how many domains they manage and how many abuse complaints they’ve received, I’m assuming domains that have never ever received a complaint (like this one for example) to be legitimate content and not malicious or spam.

Maybe if I inform said antivirus vendor that they are erroneously blocking and falsely stating websites are ‘dangerous’, Impacting millions of users and hundreds of thousands of administrators, webmasters and content creators, They would resort to more accurate practices.

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