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LinuxFoundationX LFS101x: Introduction to Linux

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Ferguson, MO implements Curfew/No Fly Zone following Police murder of Michael Brown.

Originally published at the NAAIJ on Aug 12th, 2014. Check the NAAIJ for most recent updates Follow us on Twitter @NAAIJ Like us on Facebook NAAofIJ As of early Monday 08/18, the curfew has been lifted and the National Guard has been ordered into the area. The No Fly Zone was also lifted that day. …

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What could 3D Printing do for this puppy?

Originally published at the NAAIJ on July 28th, 2014 Follow us on Twitter @NAAIJ Like us on Facebook NAAofIJ I’ve just come across the story of a tiny dog named Turbo who was born without his front legs and was going to be put down. Thankfully since then Turbo has been adopted and is now …

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Edward Snowden gives surprise talk at HOPE-X Conference

Originally published at the NAAIJ on July 22nd, 2014 Follow us on Twitter @NAAIJ Like us on Facebook NAAofIJ Edward Snowden gave a surprise talk in New York City at the HOPE-X Conference (Hackers on Planet Earth) on Monday appearing via a VoIP internet video call from Russia. Watch the full talk here: Nigel Todman …

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