Author's posts

Petition to UN to have Election Monitors for Canada 2015

I recall reaching out to a few folks last year in an attempt to get a request made to the United Nations to intervene in the absurd electoral fraud taking place in Canada. I believe it was the Council of Canadians and the BCCLA I had contacted. I got no reply from the Council of …

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Jon Stewart just did a segment on Homelessness everyone needs to see

Originally published at the NAAIJ on Jan 12th, 2015. Check the NAAIJ for most recent updates Follow us on Twitter @NAAIJ Like us on Facebook NAAofIJ It should be pretty easy to emphasize with the homeless. But until you have actually been homeless it may not be so easy to put yourself in their shoes …

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Rival hackers offer to distribute ‘The Interview’ Movie for Sony Pictures.

Originally published at the NAAIJ on Dec 20th, 2014. Check the NAAIJ for most recent updates Follow us on Twitter @NAAIJ Like us on Facebook NAAofIJ Rival hackers from The 2600 Community have offered to screen and distribute Sony Pictures ‘The Interview’ Movie. The full text of the offer has been republished verbatim below: You’ve …

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Welcome to

Welcome to I transferred my blog of a number of years over here. Importing just about all the content. I have been having some issues with free file hosts and DMCA Abuse – So .. I’ll just host my software, tools and source code myself. The most recent posts for most of the stuff …

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