National Day of Action planned against Bill C-51 (#StopC51)

Originally published at the NAAIJ on Feb 28th, 2015. Check the NAAIJ for most recent updates

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Concerned Canadians across the nation are planning for a National Day of Action on March 14th, 2015 against Bill C-51. I have previously reported on Bill C-51 as well as OpenMedia’s Stop Spying on Us campaign over at The Fifth Column News

We will add a link to the various protest locations as we discover them. E-mail your protest locations to and they will be promptly added here. Please reference C-51 Day of Action in the subject.

List of locations in footer as well as some flyers.

The National Event Hub & Call to Action is here

An Open Letter signed by over 100 University Professors from across Canada is also available here. This was sent to all Members of Parliament on Feb 27th. This is in addition to yet another open letter signed by a chorus of Supreme Court Justices, Ministers of Justice, Solicitors General of Canada and a number of former Prime Ministers that was released on Feb. 19th

The full text of the call to action is as follows:

The government is about to ram through a “secret police” Bill C-51 that is:

1. Reckless: It turns CSIS into a ‘secret police’ force with little oversight or accountability.
2. Dangerous: It opens the door for violations of our Charter Rights including censorship of free expression online.
3. Ineffective: It will lead to dragnet surveillance and information sharing on innocent Canadians that even
Stephen Harper has admitted is ineffective.

On March 14, people will gather together in communities across Canada for an emergency day of action to stop the government’s “secret police” law.

For more information visit’s platform at:

Sign up for a day of action event in your community now at: – À l’Action campaign:

News release on impact of Bill C-51 by the BCCLA:

Media Inquiries:
BCGEU Communications
4911 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. V5G 3W3
Tel: (604) 291-9611
Email: has also set up a platform to help people set up events. Alternatively you can just Create an Event on Facebook

Alliston, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Antigonish, Nova Scotia Facebook Event Page
Bancroft, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Barrie, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Belleville, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Brampton, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Brantford, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Calgary, Alberta Facebook Event Page
Castlegar, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Charlottetown, Price Edward Island Facebook Event Page
Collingwood, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Courtenay, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Edmonton, Alberta Facebook Event Page
Fergus, Ontario LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
Fredericton, New Brunswick LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
Guelph, Ontario Facebook Event Page (Alt)
Halifax, Nova Scotia Facebook Event Page
Hamilton, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Kamloops, British Columbia Facebook Event Page (Alt)
Kitchener, Ontario LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
Lindsay, Ontario LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
London, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Mississauga, Ontario LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
Moncton, New Brunswick Facebook Event Page
Montreal, Quebec Facebook Event Page
Nanaimo, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Nelson, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Newmarket, Ontario Facebook Event Page
North Bay, Ontario LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page (FB Event)
Orangeville, Ontario LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
Orilla, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Ottawa, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Owen Sound, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Peterborough, Ontario LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
Port Moody, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Prince George, British Columbia LeadNow ‘Snap Action’ Page
Regina, Saskatchewan Facebook Event Page
Saint John, New Brunswick Facebook Event Page
Sarnia, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Facebook Event Page
Stratford, Ontario Facebook Event Page
St. Johns, Newfoundland Facebook Event Page
Sudbury, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Toronto, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Vancouver, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Vernon, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Victoria, British Columbia Facebook Event Page
Windsor, Ontario Facebook Event Page
Winnipeg, Manitoba Facebook Event Page

Use the Hashtags #C51DayOfAction, #StopC51 & #StrkDownC51. #cdnpoli would also be good to use (Throw a #StopHarper in there too if you feel like it)

Here is an informative video from University of Ottawa Law Professor, Craig Forcese (Source)

People are also encouraged to change their profile pictures, avatars and covers photos to the following image:

Here are some flyers:

Nigel Todman is an Independent Journalist, Technical Consultant, Social Activist, Web Developer and Computer Programmer from Ontario, Canada. Nigel is also the Assistant Webmaster for the NAAIJ. Add him to Facebook and/or Follow him on Twitter E-mail: nigel [at] naaij [dot] org [PGP]

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